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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah

coretan pengalaman asyraf

Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas dirujuk.

Saya, Mohd Asyraf bin Abu Othman, ME 079687, ingin meminta maaf kerana tidak meng'update' blog dengan sekian lama nye..
There so many things going on here at PERODUA
so little time
makes me tired after working hours..
Bila dah penat, jd malas.... huhu
Anyway...whatever the excuses are... the fact is that i didn't update my blog. and I'm not going to deny that. I'm sorry to whoever reading this. period.

But..! I did manage to record everything on my logbook..
Haha!! I'm not that lazy okay..

Here's a recap of what i've done for the past 4 weeks..

19 April till 23 April

Got my "real" task from my supervisor
which is to crosscheck the existing S.O.P with Drawing B
There are two types of drawing namely Drawing A & B that came from Production Engineering Dept. to explain on the parts and process needed to assemble a car.
Drawing A focusing on the parts and B more on the process which both of it are in English.
From there Standard Operation Procedure (S.O.P) is derived from Drawing B
by people from my department (Production Development).
Since some of them might not be good in English, En Ismail need someone that he trust to check those works.
Thats where I come in..hohoh

Started checking the SOPs
still blur blur about it
nonetheless its moving...

still continuing the work a treat lunch by the assistant manager En Jafri
yay!! hahhah

There's some facelift to Myvi
so they did a trial run to run some tests from part delivery to workability...
I did get a chance to first-handed-ly (if there such a word) see how they do a trial run
This info is i cant take any pictures
but indeed its very cool..

That finished Myvi went to TANABATA
a place for every person in charge "sit down" together to search and detect any defects on the car. From my observation, QC is very much in control of that 'event'.

26 April till 30 April
Got another task..
Sub-Assemble glass improvement
while the crosscheck is on, so is this
Background: windshield & backdoor glass is "prepared" before it is put on the body or in Perodua's term, it is Sub-Assemble or Sub-Assy or simply S/A
This is a bottleneck process
I need to improve (but according to En Ismail's guidelines) this process.

While having 2 tasks.. i need to have my report ready by Thursday to present to the management, so you can imagine how stressful i am

On Thursday itself.. the report is ready..
but the presentation is cancelled (aww man..)
they wanted the meeting to be short
apparently because someting is more important than my presentation..(sad..)
kalo tau tak yah present tak yah pening kepala... haha

wow.. look at the time..
my head is spinning like crazy...
i'll report on the remaining 2 weeks tomorrow